my gorgeous niece

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Thing 9

The long awaited invitations to Googledocs and Zoho writer finally came and I logged in to the Declaration of Independence to put in my opinions. It was hard to deface Thomas Jefferson's poetic words but what a neat way to work with a group. I preferred Googledocs simply because it was easier to log in (I already have an account with them). Zoho writer lets you log in through Googledocs but it required a few more hoops. This could be the up-t0-date way to write an epistolary novel (a la Caroline Stevermer and Patricia C. Wrede with their Sorcery and Cecilia novels). The hodgepodge of changes made it a little difficult to read--it would be nice to have the original copy to refer back to as well as the edited copy. This is definitely knowledge to hold on and to and to use again (and again and again...).

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